Tag Archives: Big Ted

Windows in!

Today we fixed the last of the windows, and with the doors in place and glazed the building is almost watertight. After a hard day on site I took some time to bathe in the sunshine and imagine  striking up the first chord!

Windows in! Big Ted relaxing in the sun.

Windows in! Big Ted relaxing in the sun.

Fritz does not care much about the windows being in place; he wandered off saying something like “Give me my Mac any day”!

Studio Roof is Finished

Despite a few interruptions from the rain, today I helped the roofers and my people put the roof tiles on the studio.  There are a lot of tiles, and of course the people did most of the heavy work, while I kept things organized and the project on schedule. We had plenty of tea breaks, and buiscuits to keep up the energy levels!

The view from up top is impressive!

Roof - Big Ted roof all complete

Roof – Big Ted roof all complete

Blockwork Finished Before the Rain

Well it was a race against the weather today, finishing the block work over the lintel before the rain set in. Fortunately with my help we managed it just before the clouds opened. See me lay the last block just as the rain started.

Big Ted on the Gable End

Weather better today so we got stuck into the gable end brickwork. Of course I helped Barry with the pointing, although he did most of the heavy work. Great view from up here on the roof!

Goodby Rainy Tuesday

Not a lot of progress on site today, as it has been raining most of the day. Roof trusses have been secured but that is about it. Feeling a bit blue, so I think I just might go and write a song; Goodby Rainy Tuesday!

Another Brick in the Wall

A big day on the build site today, with walls going up on the slab. We can now see where the doors and windows will be located. As usual the bears were watching as Big Ted got involved. Harley did a spot of climbing own his own too!

The bears sang several choruses of “Another Brick in the wall” from Pink Floyd just to keep things rocking!

More brickwork expected tomorrow…

Pouring The Slab

Another good day on the building site. Here are a few more pictures of me helping the builders pour and level the slab.

Big Ted Inspecting the footings

Just inspecting the footings on the site of the new studio, and everything seems to be in order. Garden is a bit of a mess though, so my people have got a lot of work to do when this is all finished. After all, the bears and I have got to have somewhere nice to relax between takes!

Big Ted Inspecting the footings

Big Ted Inspecting the footings